Never listen to what enemies and idle minds are telling you. He is a God of second chance. Your mistake shall become a stepping stone for your success. Trust Him, He has done it for several people and He is still that same Jehovah Elshaddai. Sometimes, we are too much in a hurry and so we end up making a lot of mistakes. But because our God is a loving Father whose love for you is everlasting, never conditional, He will allure you and take you into the wilderness.
Right there in the wilderness you will cry for water and food. You will experience the scorching of the sun. You will cry and there will be no one to hear your cry or console you. But you know what; Jehovah is right there with you. He is waiting for you to stop crying out and then He will speak tenderly to you. Yes, He is waiting for you, He is right beside you waiting for you to be calm so He can speak tenderly to you. He wants to whisper it to your ears alone how much He loves you. He wants it to sink deep into your spirit that He hasn’t and will never give up on you.
I have gone through abuse. I have been taken for granted. I have been lied against by people who have never set their eyes on me. I have been battered and left out there to die in the cold with no one around to give me shelter. I have been left to sleep outside under the tree for a night with no one asking after me. I have been locked in the room for three days with no water and no food. I have had my own share of media lies.
When I brag about my God, many wont understand where I am coming from. But I know what He has taken me through, I know the fire He has brought me out of. I know, I know He is still able to do it for you.
Never allow the world to keep you down. Never allow the devil and his cohorts to break your bones. They can bend you, but never let them break you. You remain the apple of His ever loving eyes. His mercy, His grace will rewrite your life. It’s never about the beginning; it’s always about the end. You shall laugh again.
Sorce: Amara Blessing
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