We can shout from now till tomorrow and foolishly follow feminists who deceive us into believing that you are equal. Sis, you are equal with any other man, but never your own husband. Yes, you are partners in progress and every right thinking man acknowledges that. But in every institution, there is always that person who takes the final decision. Let him be the man.
Many men have complained that the reason they changed and stopped being efficient in their God-ordained roles is that the women are not ready to allow them take the lead. He goes out and buys a dress for you and instead of a simple “Thank You”, all he gets is “this is not what I need now” or “I don’t like this colour”. It kills his spirit. Some of us have been on our own for a while and that affects the way we relate with him.
Sometimes, you even forget there is a man somewhere; I understand. I know some men come into your life not willing and ready to be the man God has called them to be. Those ones are there with you just for their own selfish reasons and they will leave you the very day you are down. But there are others who are ready and willing to take care of you the way they should.
If we are one, I pray the Lord transfers that wealth to him and then in return have me manifest his (the man) glory because God says I am the glory of the man. All I pray is for my husband to be blessed beyond measure and for him to understand what the Bible is talking about when it says I am his glory. When you are married to the right man, he will never forget that you are his glory.
NB: Don’t try to let him into your world if your heart tells you he is up to some games. I have heard about men who murdered their wives simply because they were able to lay hands on her resources.
Now ladies, throughout the Bible men demonstrated the heart of God toward women. Any man who wants to dress better than his woman is not a good husband material. Any man who drives the new car and transfers the old one to his wife is not worth being a husband. David killed hundreds of Philistine just to have Michal’s hand in marriage. Is your man willing to do exploit for you? For the Shulamite woman, Solomon built an immense home that resembled the surrounding she was used to. He also praised her beauty continually.
Don’t be too desperate for any man; the most important thing is for you to make sure the man is spiritually balanced. Mind you, I did not say spiritual because many spiritual people don’t make good husbands, he must be spiritually balanced. It is not your duty to lead family devotions; it is his God-ordained duty.
Some ladies go about complaining to anyone who cares to listen, about the devil of a husband they have at home. I have seen women turn and pray against their man whenever the pastor asks the congregation to pray against the devil. I know there are men who are naturally stingy and selfish, but there are also some nice ones who are forced to act contrary by the woman. Why should that man trust you with his possessions when all you do at the slightest sight of his money is transfer some to your brother’s account?
Is it possible he trusts you when you remember the number of parties you have and foodstuffs yet to be bought just because you know he has collected his salary?
I really don’t understand some parents who want their daughters to bring the husband’s house into theirs. Lady, your parents have lived their lives, it is time for you to live in peace and harmony with your spouse. Don’t rush to your mother before you carry out your husband’s instructions; you are married to him and not mummy.
Sir, don’t consult your sister or mother before doing things for your wife; it only tags you a weakling. Your mother should not be allowed to enter your husband’s room as if it is the family living room. Men, learn to respect your wife by not allowing your mother and sisters who have refused to go to their own husband’s house to enter your bedroom anyhow. Please learn to give your husband/wife the respect he/she deserves and make him/her to trust you with his/her possessions.
If you are not faithful with little, you can’t be faithful with much.
Source: Amara Blessing
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