Excessive and quick commitment to relationships: After just one week of talking and getting to know you he has declared his undying love and is talking marriage? C’mon son! Doesn't he know that we all put our best foots first when it comes to relationships? Perhaps he doesn't care because he knows he will whip you into shape when the time comes anyway. Usually you might notice a kind of dual personality.
Excessive monitoring: A man who checks your calls and makes sure the logs are complete to know that none of the calls were deleted then downloads a software to record your conversations and knows where you have been by checking your location using Google latitude is definitely a potential abuser.
Extremely possessive and jealous, confused with love: He is suspicious if you go anywhere without him and does not expect you to have any male friends at all even a call from an old high school friend could get him really upset with you and accusing you of infidelity.
Control of all money: He wants all control of your money. Often an abuser will ask you to agree to quit the job you love if you want the marriage to go ahead. He wants your total dependence on him and him alone.
Threats against you, of suicide for failure to comply (emotional extortion): If you say you want to end the relationship and hes threatens to hunt you down and hurt you or hurt himself then he is certainly an abuser. This type of emotional extortion is characteristic of someone who has little he values over the control of another human being which he will do anything to maintain.
Exhibits cruelty to animals or children: The bible says A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel proverbs 12: 10. They usually display this total lack of empathy towards others.
Chauvinism: When you start hearing “Women are so irrational and emotional!” Women can't think for themselves”, “Women should only speak when spoken to” But usually with even more “colorful” language this should be considered a red flag.
Blames the victim (“They made me do it”): An adult should never blame another person for their actions. If everything is blamed on provocation them he needs some lessons in self control. The victim mentality is a tool he will use similar to reverse psychology so that you become the one apologising.
Ladies, steer clear of abusive relationships.
By Ijeoma Olujekun
Covenant Relationships
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